Tuesday, September 3, 2013

My Whole30 Journey

After a summer filled with bad habits, I decided it was time to give the Whole30 program another go.  I did it back in January, and I was very happy with the results.  Unfortunately, I let myself slip out of my healthy routine for a few weeks...okay, fine....a couple of MONTHS.  Sheesh.

At any rate, I'm getting back on track and ready to get healthy again.  Feel free to follow along on my journey.  And, if you are interested in knowing more about the Whole30 program, check out their website right here.

I don't claim to be an expert, and I am still reading the book, but I intend to make some necessary changes in my life...and I'm willing to do it all right in front of you!

I will attempt to update this blog on a daily basis to include the following information:

What I ate for each meal
What physical activity I achieved
How I felt at the end of the day
Any tips, recipes, or general observations that might be helpful to others

Since I'm starting this blog on Day 3 (of 30), I'll have to play a little catch-up, but I'll do my best to keep it current going forward.

I appreciate your interest (I'm assuming here...I know...), your support, and your encouragement!

~ Melanie (the DeeVah)

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